Seekers, Agnostics, Atheists

Hebrews 3:7-8

So, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts …”

We live in a day when God is speaking in surreal ways, through every possible avenue. Each of us will have moments in time when the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts, but we can choose to listen or we can harden our hearts. My spiritual journey began when I refused to be deaf any longer; without all the answers, without an in-depth understanding of the Bible, I simply opened up my heart to the voice of God.

JOHN 20:19-20


Doubts, especially doubts about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, can be a door that leads to a rock solid, unwavering Faith. Jesus understands when we struggle with doubts. He does not condemn us for wrestling with doubts, just as He did not condemn “Doubting Thomas.” Instead, He teaches us how our doubts can be a door that leads us to the knowledge of a Risen Savior and an immeasurable experience with the Resurrected Christ! Thomas went from doubts to declaring about Jesus, “My Lord and my God.” I ask you to learn HOW your doubts can be a door that leads to the assurance that Jesus rose from the dead. This is the story of “Doubting Thomas.”

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