Powerful Promises & Provisions

Romans 8:28-29

How can bad or difficult times result in GOOD outcomes? The key to understanding the Good is in coming to understand how God defines Good! If you’re battling “Bad” or painful experiences, my prayer is that God will lead you to the Good that He wants to do in your life.

Psalm 51:9-12

Happiness is based on happenings, events, circumstances & situations; it’s an emotional response that can’t always be sustained. But JOY is totally different. It is that for which our hearts, souls and minds passionately desire.

ROMANS 5:1-5

Many in our world are struggling with the darkness of feeling HOPELESS. But God’s Will is to Birth HOPE within us. Once we have Hope, at some point, we will travel The Road that can lead to a Greater Hope; please allow me to share with you about A HOPE THAT WILL NEVER DISAPPOINT YOU!


Prescription for PEACE

Anxiety, Fear, and Concerns can rob us of PEACE. But God gives us a Prescription for PEACE; 3 foundational truths that can replace Anxiety with Peace!

1 SAMUEL 16:7

When we experience struggles, challenges, illness, etc. – we may see ourselves as less capable, perhaps even less attractive. We may question our value & our worth. But, if we’re looking inward and if our hearts are pleasing to God, we still have great value & worth. In fact, OUR EXTERNAL STRUGGLES OFTEN ACCENTUATE OUR TRUE BEAUTY, VALUE & WORTH!!! Do you see your beauty, value & worth? Are you able to look beyond someone’s walker, wheelchair, scars, infirmities – look beyond someone’s inabilities or struggles – and recognize their value & worth?

MATTHEW 9:35-38

Jesus Christ “HAD COMPASSION,” but on who, and why? I strive to answer that question, because we need to understand and live His Compassion. Most of all, when we come to understand that Jesus Christ sees us through the eyes of Compassion, it can be a life transforming truth. And when Christians live a life of Compassion, as defined by Him, we play a God-given role; acts of Compassion can lead others to Salvation!

Please also read JOHN 10:7-18

“Where Is GOD When I’m FEARFUL?”

1 KINGS 19:1-18

Where is GOD when I’m FEARFUL? What can I do when I’m AFRAID? Elijah became fearful and panic seized him. He learned the answers to these questions. Please join me as THE WORD answers our questions concerning FEAR.


Matthew 6:10, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Where is GOD when I’m FEARFUL? What can I do when I’m AFRAID? Elijah became fearful and panic seized him. He learned the answers to these questions. Please join me as THE WORD answers our questions concerning FEAR.


Luke 15:11-32

The story of THE PRODIGAL SON is the story of an earthly father who LOVED HIS SON – WHEN HE WAS “UNLOVABLE.” My Dad lived his life like the father in this parable: HE LOVED ME – WHEN I WAS “UNLOVABLE.” I miss you Dad! Thanks for leaving me a Legacy of Love … and making it easy for me to see my Heavenly Father Loving me in the same way!!!

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