About Us

Dear RWBT Friend,

How do you catalog a Christian ministry that has spanned 40 years? With humility and gratitude.

As a bi-vocational pastor for twenty years, I never considered the object of that ministry to live inside the walls of the church. In fact, a large part of my view of God and the world has been shaped by my experiences outside of those walls. My first career with a metropolitan fire department and a second in disaster operations with the Red Cross has squarely positioned me in the crosshairs of human suffering. My ministry has been cultivated in these painful places. The heart of my calling centers around those who are marginalized and those without hope.

I have a passion for ministering to those who are incarcerated, those in addiction recovery, those who are homeless, those suffering through sickness, and those who feel helpless. I have a passion for those seeking answers about the existence of God and the truth of His word. I have a passion for those who do not have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. I have a passion for ministering one on one to those who are disconnected from the local church, or who have never entered a church building.

I believe the answers that so many seek are found in the Bible. Our culture wars are rooted in confusion and deception, and the Word of God speaks clearly into those spaces. However, many steer clear of illuminating those truths because those issues are too painful, too unpopular, or too controversial. God did not give us a spirit of fear, and to yield to the pressure of those who do not accept clear Biblical truth is to also accept human suffering and to give way to the destruction that sin produces.

This website was developed to share those biblical truths that have remained ever constant in a changing world. You will find a straightforward delivery designed to honor God, not crafted to please the ears of men. Most importantly, those truths will be shared in a spirit of love, uncompromising and transformational for those of us living in the real world, in the now but the not yet.

In The Service of Jesus,

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