Health: Help & Hope

Detoxing From Spike Protein & Other Toxins

DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. It is information that I have compiled from a variety of physicians, wellness sites, etc.

The intent of this document is to help you understand why each supplement or medication is important; it explains the role of each one.


Unquestionably, Spike Protein has been proven to cause devastating harm, or in some cases, death. The most important thing to understand is that inhibiting and neutralizing the presence of Spike Protein is the key to preventing it from damaging or destroying our bodies; for many, it is the key to preventing the many causes of death directly attributed to the “jab.”

IVERMECTIN: Spike Protein Inhibitor – Naturally Protects the ACE2 Receptors by Attracting Spike Protein – which Binds with it Rather Than the ACE2 Receptors.

NAC: Spike Protein NEUTRALIZER – Neutralizes Spike Protein so that it Can No Longer Cause Damage to Human Cells.

NATTOKINASE: Spike Protein NEUTRALIZER – Neutralizes Spike Protein so that it Can No Longer Cause Damage to Human Cells.


The ACE2 receptor is located in the cell wall, in lung and blood vessel linings, and in platelets. Spike protein attaches to ACE2 receptors. It can bind to our ACE2 receptors and effectively ‘sit there’, blocking the regular functioning of these receptors in various tissues. The disruption of these receptors has been associated with a multitude of adverse effects through altered tissue functioning. If spike proteins bind to the cell wall and ‘stay put,’ they could trigger the immune system to attack healthy cells and possibly trigger autoimmune disease. The spike protein could attach to ACE2 receptors located on blood platelets and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels, which may lead to abnormal bleeding or clotting, both of which are linked to Vaccine-induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT).  


HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE: DETOXES ACE2 RECEPTORS (must take ZINC to receive the full benefit)

QUERCETIN: DETOXES ACE2 RECEPTORS (must take ZINC to receive the full benefit)


Cytokines such as IL-6, are found in far higher levels among those infected with Covid when compared to uninfected individuals, and among those who received the “jab” (pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 are expressed post-“vaccination,” and studies prove that they may reach the brain.) The result is an overwhelming increase in inflammation in organs, around nerves, etc. IL-6 has been used as a primary biomarker for Covid progression. Increased levels of IL-6 have been found in patients with respiratory dysfunction. Meta-analysis has revealed a reliable relationship between IL-6 levels and covid severity, as well as harm from Spike Protein. IL-6 levels have been inversely related with T-cell count in ICU patients. NOTE: Il-6 inhibitors have in fact been recommended by the WHO for severe Covid cases, for which they have been described as life-saving. 

TUMERIC/CURCUMIN: INHIBITS IL-6 INFLAMMATION – A proven anti-inflammatory that can be used to prevent the adverse effects of IL-6 by inhibiting its action.  

RESVERATROL: INHIBITS IL-6 INFLAMMATION – A proven anti-inflammatory that can be used to prevent the adverse effects of IL-6 by inhibiting its action. 


Furin is an enzyme, which cleaves proteins and makes them biologically activate. It has been shown to separate the spike protein and thus allow the virus to enter human cells. A furin cleavage site is present on the Covid spike protein, which is thought to make the virus more infectious and transmissible. Furin inhibitors work by preventing cleavage of the spike protein. NOTE: If you can only afford one, buy RUTIN!

RUTIN: PREVENTS CLEAVAGE – Prevents cleavage of the Spike Protein, thereby preventing or limiting it from entering human cells. 

HESPERIDIN: PREVENTS CLEAVAGE – Prevents cleavage of the Spike Protein, thereby preventing or limiting it from entering human cells. 


Serine protease is an enzyme. Inhibiting serine protease can prevent spike protein activation and reduce viral entry to cells.

NAC: INHIBITS SERINE PROTEASE – (NAC has been noted in #1)


This is the role of PRIMARY TRANSFERASE ENZYMES. When any one of the Primary Transferase Enzymes are in short supply, then the toxins in your body cannot be fully eliminated, and will build up – causing irreversible damage to tissues. TO PUT IT BLUNTLY – they allow your body to flush out toxins through urination.

NAC: HELPS THE BODY ELIMINATE TOXINS – (NAC has been noted in #1, #5)




VITAMIN C: It has Important Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Oxidant, and Immune System Enhancing Properties.

VITAMIN D or D3: Lessens the overall impact of toxicity & is a basic building block for overall health.

ZINC: Potent Antioxidant that is Critical for Proper Immune System Function – it Reaches All Cells & Organs – it Protects the Body from Oxidative Stress, a Process Associated with DNA Damage, Excess Inflammation, and other Damaging Effects.

ASPIRIN: Blood Clots are among the Top Causes of Death, If Not THE #1 CAUSE of Death, in Vaccine Related Fatalities. We Now Know that the Vaccine Contains Particles that Facilitate Clotting. Aspirin is Well Known as an Anti-Clotting Agent.

MELATONIN: It has anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant properties – and is a powerful regulator of MITOCHONDRIAL Function – it also protects MITOCHONDRIAL – which are the powerhouse of all cells, allowing them to produce energy. They are present in the thousands in each cell of the body. They are responsible for generating 90 percent of the energy that we need for all other functions of the body. They use the oxygen that we inhale and convert the nutrients of food into energy. (More & More Studies are Showing the Importance of Protecting MITOCHRONDRIAL Function!)

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